Maplestory Muriel's Curse

Hi, I'm Jay and I am a big fan of Maplestory, I played it for 5 years, but I stopped a few months ago.... The reason for that is because of Muriel, I'll tell you the story....
One day, I was bored and my parents were at work so I decided to play Maplestory. I played, leveled up, and got some new items! But then my computer crashed, a few days later I wanted to buy a new one, so I searched for computers on eBay, I found the computer that I wanted and I ordered it. A few days later I got my new computer, I was so excited so I couldn't wait and plugged it in, after the computer turned on I noticed that there's a Maplestory file in the computer named "Muriel". My curiosity got the best of me and I opened the file. The game loaded, but instead of "Nexon", it wrote "Go away".
I thought it was a glitch so I shrugged it off and continued, I noticed that there was no sound at all, everything went normal until I got to the character selection screen, I noticed a new player named "BraveSoldier2467", I played this new character. when the screen was bright again I saw that I was at Perion, but I noticed that something was off: the background was missing, the title had blood on it, and all the other players had bleeding red eyes.
I asked someone if he sees this weird bug and he replied with, "What are you talking about? Everything is normal." he replied. I decided to ask another player the same question:
"Are you using WZ Edits?" he replied.
I said, "No,"
I saw that my character was ready for an advancement, so I went to the advancement place in Perion. When I tried to enter the portal it said "you need to give your money to Muriel if you want to enter". I started dropping money in random places and then got back, I entered the portal, everything seemed normal but after 2 seconds I entered the room, but it warped me out. The same happened after 4 times I tried, the 5th time I entered the room I was starting to panic from what I saw.
The whole room had blood everywhere, the walls, the floor, the ceiling, and instead of the chief, there was a white dressed pale lady with a weird pole arm. creepy music started playing as I got closer to that lady, and then, I got warped back to Perion, this time it was all twisted and creepy, this was a creepy map that looks like Perion, and then a shadow appeared. The shadow started to attack me, so I started running away from this flying shadow.
As I ran, pictures started to appear with messages like, "Muriel" "Muriel why?" "help" "die" and "why?!"
Suddenly that shadow teleported in front of me and revealed its identity, it was that pale lady from before, she summoned two characters near her. The characters looked like my parents, "Stop this madness!"
I typed in the chat, she replied: "One more step and you precious parents are DEAD!"
At this point I was freaked out and I started to panic, "give me your soul kid, NOW!!" the lady said "or say goodbye to your parents life". I didn't knew what to do so without thinking I stepped forward to kill her, but she slayed me instantly, her damage to me was 9,999,999,999 and needless to say I died. My character started crying and so did I.
"Your parents are mine!" She said and slashed their throat, realistic blood started coming out of their bodies and she said, "Enjoy my favorite show, I think you'll like it."
Pictures started appearing on the screen, is was my mom and dad, dead, in different poses.
I started screaming and crying as I saw these pictures. A few seconds later the program crashed and the whole game disappeared from the computer. A few days later, my friend called me to say that my parent died and the police found their heads sliced like what happened in the game, their eyes were gone, the legs were missing, the liver was pulled out, and they had a knife stuck in their hearts and half of the organs were sliced or missing. There were 2 notes on the corpses, one on my dad, and one on my mom, the notes has the same thing written
"I did this
I couldn't live in my house alone so a few weeks later I moved to an orphanage.
Since that day, I keep having nightmares about that white lady and my parents.